If we give our heart to indifference,
if we ignore the suffering of thousands of children at home and far away,
if let greed take over our lives and prevent us from giving
what will become of our planet?
It will be a world where our sons and daughters will be well-off, well fed,
and indifferent to the pain and plight of thousands of other children..
who face a daily struggle to survive. Fighting poverty, hunger and diseases, for one more year or even a day with their loved ones.
Is this the world we want to share with the people we love?
Can we really live with this indifference to human suffering?
If we don’t make our loved ones aware, who’s going to do it for us?
It’s up to us women to take on this challenge!
we can do it with courage, passion and creativity.
This is a call to arms…for solidarity!!
Life will show us the way…day by day.
The most powerful weapon we have, is our heart:
it can become a home for thousands of children and adults,
whether close or far away,
who are still searching for one..